I have been invited to give two guest lectures to a seminar in relational psychoanalysis being given by Dr. David Mark {David: I'll link whatever you like here}. The first was last night. I arrived late, wet, and harried and got said about half what I had intended. I did suggest that I was easy to find by googling, but I'd like to provide a convenient set of links to my online Freudiana: drafts of published papers, primary sources for classes, lecture notes, and recorded classes.
- Doug Davis online curriculum vita
- course page for Haverford college "Foundations of Personality," Spring, 2004: Irma link, aliquis link, video clip with David Suchet as Freud discussing Emma with Fliess
- Doug's January, 2003, lectures on the Irma dream in the aliquis episode
- a transcript of Doug's faculty research talk, "Writing Freud," at Haverford in November, 1990
- Davis, D.A. (1994). A theory for the 90s: Freud's seduction theory in historical context. Psychoanalytic Review, 81, 627-640.
- Freud-Fliess letters. (excerpts: do not quote or reproduce).
If there is evidence of interest in this resource, I'd be glad to respond to questions and to provide additional material here.
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